DTI Processing - The Basics
Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI) is a cutting edge imaging technique that provides quantitative information with which to visualize and study connectivity of neural pathways. A growing number of studies are now collecting DTI scans which necessitates knowledge in DTI processing steps and tools.
The basic processing pipeline has the following elements:
- Convert data from scanner to scalar image
- Run distortion correction
- EPI distortion correction with fieldmap/TOPUP
- Eddy current correction
- Brain extraction
- Tensor fitting
- Produce scalars (FA, MD, AD, RD, RGB)
Advanced processing:
- Normalization
- Scalar normalization, or
- Tensor normalization
- Fiber tracking
- Deterministic, or
- Probabilistic
- Whole brain analysis
- Voxel-based analysis, or
- Track-based analysis
The below PDF will give an overview of preprocessing steps like distortion correction and tensor estimation, discuss choices that can be made regarding whole brain versus tract specific analysis, and what normalization and visualization tools are available. Find the presentation here or click the image.